If you are only insured for part of the year, your penalty will be changed to reflect that portion only (vs. you having to pay as if you missed the whole year). For gaps in coverage of less than three months, you won’t have to pay a penalty. After 2016, a new change is being made that penalties and fees under ACA will be subject to cost-of-living expenses.
For an average person the fee in 2016 for going health-insurance-free is $695 or 2.5% of the taxpayer household income. For more information on costs for families or partial costs, see my website.
Many Californians are overwhelmed by the task of figuring out the new affordable care acts and how to maximize the benefits for your family. As your agent, we can help. Email us at info@solidhealthinsurance.com or receive a free premium quote. We will make sure that we find you and your family an affordable health plan in California for 2016.