Brand Prescription Drug Coverage – one important tool to have affordable health insurance in Santa Monica

[gplus count=”true” href=”” size=”Medium” ]Brand Prescription Drug Coverage should be part of everyone’s  affordable health insurance coverage in Santa Monica,  so that […]

Why health insurance rates are rising and ways to find affordable health insurance in Brentwood

[gplus count=”true” href=”” size=”Medium” ]There are 3 significant factors as why health insurance rates are rising and some ways to still find […]

Anthem’s Good News for Small Business trying to find affordable health insurance in Santa Monica

[gplus count=”true” href=”” size=”Medium” ]Anthem’s announcement to cut their quarterly small rate increase in half on the popular  PPO Solution plans are […]

Father’s day – how well do men take care of their health and have affordable health insurance in West Los Angeles

[gplus count=”true” href=”” size=”Medium” ]Almost 70 % of men find it easier to care for their car than for their personal health, according […]

Affordable Health Insurance in West Los Angeles – how healthy is living in Los Angeles?

[gplus count=”true” href=”” size=”Medium” ]Accordingly to the recently published  2010 America’s Health Ranking by United Health Foundation, we, Angelenos,  are living in […]

Implementing Wellness Programs can be one alternative to find affordable health insurance in Santa Monica

[gplus count=”true” href=”” size=”Medium” ]Approximately 70 % of all healthcare costs are due to lifestyle choices, by selecting the right life style […]