July 22, 2010Uncategorized CA implements Web Portal to assist Individual & Small business to identify insurance options Fact Sheet on Establishing the Web Portal The Affordable Care Act establishes an internet portal to help individuals and small businesses […]
July 22, 2010Uncategorized Allianz Study examines babyboomers preparation for retirement Reclaiming the Future At 76 million strong, the “baby boom” generation represents the largest, wealthiest, and most influential segment of the U.S. […]
July 16, 2010Uncategorized Whopping cough (Pertuussis) is now an epidemic in California since 50 years Dr. Mark Horton, director of the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) is urging Californians to get vaccinated now.He warned that the […]
July 12, 2010Uncategorized How Much Money Does The United States Spend on Health Care? Health care cost predictions are doubling in the next 10 years. According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Office of […]
July 12, 2010Uncategorized Do You Know Where Your Health Insurance Premium Goes? Every months you spending money on your health insurance. Here is a quick overview where your money goes and how much the […]