Brand Prescription Drug Coverage – one important tool to have affordable health insurance in Santa Monica

[gplus count=”true” href=”” size=”Medium” ]Brand Prescription Drug Coverage should be part of everyone’s  affordable health insurance coverage in Santa Monica,  so that you are prepared for the unexpected.

Cancer Medication are expensive. The most recent New York Times article describes the cost of  life prolonging cancer medication.  “For example, Provenge costs $93,000 for a course of treatment, while Zytiga costs about $5,000 a month. Another of the new drugs, Sanofi’s Jevtana, costs about $8,000 every three weeks.” Medicare will decide this Thursday if they will approve Provenge in their program.  So if you have  generic drug coverage only  health insurance coverage, you have to pay this medication by yourself, are you prepared for this? It is important to have brand prescription coverage. Check your employer health plan. Some Individuals and Employers are choosing generic only prescription plans to reduce their ever rising health care premium.

We insurance agent can warn the Individuals and Employer about the risk of generic only plans, but it is their final decision to choose a brand prescription plan as one of tool to have a affordable health insurance in Santa Monica